
That's up there with the movie version of The Lorax (the book version of which had a pretty strong anti-air pollution message) being sponsored by some car, which was referred to as "truffula-approved" in its ads.

They never explained why Ned wasn't in church at the time.

Me too.

I hope Huey Lewis slaps the shit out of them with his gigantic penis.

Mmmm! Oooh! Raspberry!

Miss Piggy has never been on Sesame Street.

Now that Two Broke Girls is in syndication, she'll exist forever… in spirit, at least. Hacky, truly unpleasant spirit.

Which was followed by the cops saying that it sure looked like Gene, so maybe it was his brother, and Paul replying "Gene's brother is an only child!" Did Bruce Villanche write this thing or something?!

If you are paying with returnable beer bottles, press 3.

That's probably "Rock: It's Your Decision."

In Ace and Peter's defense, Ace's lines were mostly just him going "ACK!" or spouting short, goofy interjections like "Hi, Curly!" and Peter's lines all wound up being overdubbed by someone else anyway

This is the episode where I first started seeing cracks in The Simpsons' foundation. This episode just didn't fire on all cylinders like the show had been regularly doing up to that point. It just kind of seemed to drag at points, the humor felt a little forced, and that running, unfunny All in the Family parody…

The Fatch.

Actually, Christopher Guest did it during the last season before Michaels came back (Brad Hall had left at the show at the end of the season prior to that).

To me, it sounded like she was trying (and not quite succeeding) to imitate Jimmy Fallon's character from "Ew!" It's like having made a guest appearance in "Ew!" was such an experience for her that it's influenced every subsequent bit of "acting" she's done since then.

You just like to hear Chef Brockett call someone a "stupid fuck."

You just like to hear Chef Brockett call someone a "stupid fuck."

Porn movies (ones that have men in them, at least) are usually seminal works.