Literature is holding my attention because even if I don't like a piece of work, explaining why it is bad is fun!
Literature is holding my attention because even if I don't like a piece of work, explaining why it is bad is fun!
The uni, I think. I mostly just want to dip in and out of subjects at my hearts content until I find the stuff I'm interested in. I'm going to drop it at the end of this year
Leave me in peace, piss demon
Dan Harmon?! WHat a loser!
I am okay! Still studying Literature and Philosophy at uni, still despising the constructed study of philosophy.
Hello! How are you all? I like Community.
Gosh, I hate mark millar.
The "Bonjour!" is possibly the funniest way of saying it that I've ever heard.… steal his look
fuck off dave.
i love u occamns
the story is true I can confirm
Complete Surrender is soooooooooooooo good.
If anyone's interested in the opinions of a random internet stranger, here's a list I've been periodically updating, containing my rankings of all the albums I've heard this year.…
why should we care when the odds are stacked right up? we're shouting out about it, they don't hear us. why should we care when there's always straight despair? just keep shouting out your loudest if you're serious.
here's your list you no good backstabber:
In History we're doing Crisis of State, 1642-1689. It's the worst course I've ever done.
In Literature we're doing Love Through the Ages, which is so broad that it's quite easy if you're confident with the texts and enthusiastic about literature… which most people in my class are not.
One tomorrow in History. I think I'll get a C in that one. My grade so far is a high B is I'll probably be able to get a pretty ok B in that.
First philosophy on Tuesday. I think I'll get a B in that one.
Then English Lit and 2nd Philosophy on Friday. Definitely confident with those two. A* in Literature, definitely,…