
Yeah, noticed that too. I reckon it's a small hammer.

Yeah, noticed that too. I reckon it's a small hammer.

Didn't George R.R. Martin have some sort of "Here's what's going to happen in case I die" discussion with the HBO writers? I guess I would've enjoyed being in the room for that.

Didn't George R.R. Martin have some sort of "Here's what's going to happen in case I die" discussion with the HBO writers? I guess I would've enjoyed being in the room for that.

They sing without flunjers, capdabblers and smendlers!

They sing without flunjers, capdabblers and smendlers!

Soooo….did she meet her friends at the Mercury Room or what? Come on! Don't SopraNos Country for Old Men-ending me like that.

Soooo….did she meet her friends at the Mercury Room or what? Come on! Don't SopraNos Country for Old Men-ending me like that.

We've got some Benedictine Monks in the floorboards here, but we've baited some traps with fresh bread and brandy.

We've got some Benedictine Monks in the floorboards here, but we've baited some traps with fresh bread and brandy.

I'm just glad they're finally reboobing this franchise.

I'm just glad they're finally reboobing this franchise.

No, you're totally right. And it is ALL of his lines. It's partially a class thing, I guess, but it's mostly a comic relief thing. Generally his clownish characters (Dogberry, Sir Toby, Launce, Falstaff, etc.) speak only in prose.

No, you're totally right. And it is ALL of his lines. It's partially a class thing, I guess, but it's mostly a comic relief thing. Generally his clownish characters (Dogberry, Sir Toby, Launce, Falstaff, etc.) speak only in prose.

Saying that Keaton was "ignoring the meter" is totally false, since there is no meter to ignore. All of Dogberry's lines are written in prose, not verse. Blah blah, Shakespeare nerd shit no one cares about, and so forth.

Saying that Keaton was "ignoring the meter" is totally false, since there is no meter to ignore. All of Dogberry's lines are written in prose, not verse. Blah blah, Shakespeare nerd shit no one cares about, and so forth.

That whole thing > Any of the threads below

That whole thing > Any of the threads below

He says one of the best jokes in High Road is a Jerry Maguire bit. There's a prominent Jerry Maguire bit in Half Baked. Conclusion: Jerry Maguire references are a staple of Marijuamedies. There. I hope I just blew someone's stoned mind.

He says one of the best jokes in High Road is a Jerry Maguire bit. There's a prominent Jerry Maguire bit in Half Baked. Conclusion: Jerry Maguire references are a staple of Marijuamedies. There. I hope I just blew someone's stoned mind.