
sorry, didn't catch that. (shakes fist) once again, you beat me to it! (at least great minds think alike.)

i don't mind actors trying different accents - they are "actors" after all - but if it sounds bad in the audition or they don't have a track record of being able to pull accents off, cast someone else! it's not like there is a shortage of actors to choose from.

they are the only thing my cat is scared of. wild turkeys.

my dvr got it & i only record new episodes.

i was expecting a "wkrp in cincinnati" reference - bird runs out window, falls to death.

wild turkeys are the only thing my cat is scared of. coyotes? nope. foxes? nope. skunks? nope. deer? nope. dogs? nope. turkeys. extremely.

and his facial skin is too tight. i was waiting for it to split open.

we need a show of an actual lion and barracuda working together to solve crimes.

perhaps the dialect coach is deaf!

i read "mr. splitfoot," put it down for a couple of days & then read it again reading all the chapters about one character first & then all the chapters about the other character. liked it.

loved "girl with all the gifts!"

this sounds like the pick-me-up we're looking for! also, when does "baskets" return?

something something tea-bagging…

and very unique!

teapots all the way down?

you're thinking of beaver getting stuck in a cup on a billboard. lumpy & whitey are no help & run away, as usual.

see, in times like these, little stories like this are a balm for the soul.

why not just make the character british instead of forcing her to do an accent she clearly can't pull off? also, didn't we all see that tragedy coming?

that explains a lot.

yes. yes, i do.