
nice article. two things - new york is not part of new england. also, females are also vastly underrepresented when it comes to professional theatrical positions & produced scripts. see http://www.huffingtonpost.c…

the original is the best - a little comedy nugget. i like that tracy morgan really contributes very little. each successive one is less b/c the performers milk it more & more.

well, this just sounds delightful! the best part is him running back & forth during the credits!

it got no love here but "getting on" should be on this list.

these aren't the comments you're looking for. well, someone had to say it.

only 682 comments at noon est? you guys just ain't trying.

unfort, e comments don't always convey sarcasm as well as one might like. is there (are there?) emoji for sarcasm? winky face, maybe? but it's no fun, really, if you point out sarcasm while you're being sarcastic. so i don't. i trust my fellow denizens to get it. but maybe you did & are being sarcastic back.

geez, spoilers!!!!

is chloe his vp???? goddamnit, secretary of agriculture, i'm running out of time!

i had to watch this with a client today. there are a couple of funny bits…that's it. & i'll save someone the trouble: a.v. club - there are a couple of funny bits..that's it.

i think this movie proves terry just loves working.

i would argue for "revolting children" from "mathilda" as well. also, "urinetown" is wonderful!

did you know that is a real thing?????

i can't use plastic wrap!!!!

that is priceless! thanks for the link!!! "when your cell phone rings, don't you hate having to pick it up to see who's calling?"

how annoying is it to just sit there and breathe oxygen? isn't there a better way?

are you british…or just pretending to be?

i'm not proud - i'll take upvotes anyway i can. pandering is fine.

yes! exactly!!!

are you kidding? she has a perfectly cromulent expression for "phew-can you smell that or is it just me?"