

i misread that as "pee into your purse…" it works both ways!


do you want ants? because this is how you get ants.

he's got nothing better to do!

thanks, obama.

everyone, go to this petition & sign it right now.

i misread that as "that's a lot of soccer cats."

i wore my brownie uniform to school in second grade & threw up all over it.

♫ the…space scout! ♬

is "pinewood derby" a euphemism?

why would a stripper keep pole dancing after she's become a zombie? this movie is totally unrealistic.

anything's better than a live person reciting the same old info about how to operate the safety belt buckle. who in god's name is still having trouble with that????

i don't get the point of this article. the guy's a scumbag, we're going to point it out, end of story.

the more you know! (rainbow swipe)

exactly! except she doesn't just use it acting, that's apparently her natural face setting.

kristen stewart always looks like she is smelling something quite unpleasant.

i don't mind the complicated steps in completing the task, it's the set-up that would put me off.

i like the beach boys but i absolutely HATE "kokomo!" i was working at a radio station when that piece of crap came out & it was played over & over & over again until i was ready to puke. sorry for venting.

i always enjoy the way buddy love punches!!!! while he's clearly using a fist, he strikes out straight forward like a girl instead of using a good old-fashioned manly side wallop! of course, he never does get the vinegar in the drink.