
thanks, obama.

but we still have the mystery of what was in the car!!!

why do you taunt me with trailers for cool movies i can't see???????

you just blew my mind!!!

easy for you to say.

don't say that! your exhaustive knowledge of Irish mythology will surely come in handy some day. (& don't call me shirley)

you mean "The Shrill:" A Bill O'Reilly Story."

hopefully he got a cool batcave in heaven.

& don't stop at that run-down old house with the windchimes made out of bones & the creepy guy out on the porch & ask directions.

i love the worm "screams!"


i love that episode!

except, like, a car.

is this supposed to get me to watch? 'cause i'm still not gonna watch.

the problem with goldberg machines is all the stuff you have to do ahead of time to prep them. peewee would have to spend no little time setting this up every night.

why is this a thing? "great job, internet" has become the child who gets a trophy for participation.

just started watching this & jemaine clement so reminds me of matt berry!

this book sounds absolutely dreadful.

say, i'd walk a mile for a calamel.

i think that's fairly obvious.