
again with the "death of my childhood…" we're all sooooo sorry for your disillusionment. wait, is that a word?

i miss read this as "But I'm a devout tentacle-monster and I believe I want to see this faith-based film!"

i don't relate to the characters but like the people on "judge judy" this show make me feel better about myself b/c i'm not as horrible as them!

kate mckinnon!!!! yay!!!! she does THE BEST crazy ladies!!!!! i can only hope she becomes a regular. on the other hand, i don't know most of the celebrity names being referenced or dropped.

but could they say "ouija?"

"a very good kitty" is the best epitaph any kitty could wish for.

BACON!!!!! (jim gaffigan's voice)

i got to play harpo/the professor in a stage version of "animal crackers" & it was a joy. plus, no lines to learn!

i read that in vaudeville, straight men used to get paid more than the comics b/c they were harder to find & more important.

what do you take for a haddock?

leave it out & put in a windshield wiper instead.

my mom took me to see this when i was a kid. i had never seen any of the "classic" slapstick farces so had nothing to compare this to (other than cartoons) & i clearly remember laughing so hard i almost fell out of my seat. i watched it again a few months ago & thought it held up. madeline kahn is brilliant, she

are they both anatomically correct?

but i like to throw money at things, too!

come for walton goggins, stay for the mutton chops!

were people really clamoring for that?

i mis-read that as "colbert forces them to date!"

i am well over 40 years of age…& just made my first visit to chipotle last week! i kept hearing cartman's voice in my head…

for some reason, you just gave me the biggest laugh of my day! thanks! (not that killing jews is in any way funny.)

i love the idea that a community group wouldn't do the official play but would do a stage adaptation of the movie!