
well, after paying for bob to attend stuntman weekend, he won't have electricity for 3 months…

plus louise's brush mohawk!

but you need that to tie in with the stuntman plot!


& i love louise yelling from her room "somebody unplug the alarm!"

you could have archer saying that!

i always get the characters from those two books confused as to who is in which.

frida kahlo would like a word.

i misread that as "sam's wolverine eyebrows…"

how cool would your comment have been if it read "I AM Springsteen!"

but with extra snouts! that's where the flavor is!

i think not.

i'm too busy throwing up.

have you looked into therapy?

buck doesn't die but isn't there an incident where some guy with a dogsled is crossing an ice-covered lake where the ice cracks & the sled falls in? the guy can get away but the dogs are harnessed to the sled & it drags them down. horrible!


what did the pony say when it had laryngitis? sorry, i'm a little horse.

omg, yes!!! and the music in that film just makes it worse!

doesn't dustin hoffman read that line in "lisa's substitute?" nails it.

hey there, midge, i love what you've done with your hair.