
even though i know babba is going to be resurrected, his death gets me every time.


not gonna watch the new one. not even in the same universe as jon.

♬ the…space pope! ♬

but gentle.

beef squatch!

pat patriot is not creepy. he is clearly johnny johnson from "newsradio."

poor internet, still living in its parents' basement…

you're not my supervisor!

and bacon!

i'm never watching his show again (in two weeks).

it would be way funnier if the movie was called "testicles."

well, yay for this, doncha know! but i will miss lorne malvo terribly.

i'm in! (for the meatballs only)


too meta to be funny. didn't laugh once.

kudos for finishing the song!

when are they going to get to abisko national park????? (read that in milhouse's voice)

this is on nbc? i've never even heard of it! sounds lovely. will there be meatballs?

to the obamamobile!