
hmmm, delicious chocolate snark…

i'm sure someone has said this already but…i've got something she can lick right here.

HOT POCKETS!!!!! i cannot pass them in the store's freezer section without hearing his voice saying this!

the tinies!!!!

i liked the idea of the book but thought the "story" was dreadful & hard to follow. also, that child singing in the trailer is dreadful. our word today is "dreadful." that is all.

yay! yay yay yay! this makes me soooo happy! i would just like to say…YAY!!!

or blow them up!

he stole it from Illya Nickovitch Kuryakin.

after seeing a story about how johnny depp travels around with his captain jack outfit so he can pop into kiddies' hospitals to cheer the patients up, i will forgive him anything, even "mortdecai."

this will only work if there are turtlenecks, lots & lots of turtlenecks.

does this not look like so much fun???????!!!!!

does anyone remember "the happy hollisters" books? the whole family solved mysteries!

the more you know…

i used to bug the shit out of my teachers after they sent in our class orders - "did the books come? did the books come!" i'm surprised they didn't slap me.

wait, the children were not actual boxcars?

mills…or white slavery?

and you didn't turn that into a secret clubhouse???? shame on you!

come down to the cape - we have rotaries! so much fun for people who have never been presented with one before!

i tried to read "pt" but couldn't get past the first few pages b/c why the hell would anyone have a toy tollbooth???? what fun is that? you get in a little car & drive through it? that's it? i realize that it turns out to be magic but i couldn't get to that part b/c the absurdity of having a toy tollbooth bothered

i used to play three detectives with my friend - she was jupiter, i was pete & bob was always off doing research b/c apparently we had no one else to play with.