
"swim in a pool full of awards." ouch!

thanks, obama.

you're so overthinking this.

i thought she nailed the line questioning that her dads might not always get better.

glad depp was called on this. quarantine is a serious thing & no one should get to break it, even big movie stars.

glad depp was called on this. quarantine is a serious thing & no one should get to break it, even big movie stars.

thanks obama!

just like the old gypsy said it would.

as well as more cowbell.

thanks for making me throw up in my mouth.

sorry, i meant jackgo! am i doing this right?


*yawing* sorry, what?

…but i do care for alligators in people disguises!

i misread this headline as "to johnny carson's dismay…" which gave me an interesting story in my head.

oh good lord that is awful on so many levels…

sho nuf!

And Generallissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!

and all these shows were working so hard on their bass-fishing boats, just a few days from retirement…

there was in fact enough room for others on the raft? remarkable!