
i should add that this seems to be a perfectly cromulent idea….said no one, ever.

*yawn* you can't kill that thing with a stick. which reminds me, “wesley, get mama’s pryin’ bar.”

does this include the horrible version of the national anthem that jamie foxx "sang?"

i knew someone would say that!

haven't watched this episode yet but just wanted to say…"what up, my knitters?" to all my fellow "bb" fans!

i was actually trying to imply that the commentor is a gay man & that his wife is also a gay man & that he was shocked to discover this. unfortunately, i don't think this was made quite clear in my comment & thus my attempt at witty repartee failed. (hangs head in shame)

thanks, obama.

i love you, doctor zaius!

i thought you were going to say that you were shocked that your wife was gay.

cannot upvote this enough times!

you're forgetting about the most fabulous object in the world!!!! (spoiler: it can turn a block of ice to beef bourguignon in eight seconds.)

i know nothing about this show but i enjoyed your comment very much. ps. i am not a crackpot.

cheer up, we still have plague!!!!

i believe you mean "THE diabeetus."
that is all.

"sucked into a series…" right after the story about gay gentlemen enjoying themselves in a cinema? are we not doing phrasing anymore?

you forgot she also had some extra fingers!

the book had great lighting!

i just watched the first episode & although i usually love historical pieces like this, i found it very choppy. there's soooo much to cover that each short scene consists of one plot point & then it's on to the next. there's no time to let scenes play out naturally with talk about several things. there's a guide on

he is literally the only reason i watch this show anymore.

yeah, how can you keep talking about it & never show it? chekov's arcade game.