
save me, jebus!

& salts the earth so nothing else may grow.

will santa bring a new puppy in the christmas episode next week????? (fingers crossed!)

that's exactly why i don't like updike! also ar gurney. who cares about the problems upper-middle & upper class white men have? not me, that's for sure but that's me.

i hated that movie - first world problems.

i was an extra in that movie!

has ron's new role as husband & step-father been totally forgotten? why haven't we had a single sighting of his wife & step-daughters or a single mention of them?

upvote for sassypants!

you know what was missing? a show! good lord, there were more commercials than show! so glad i recorded it so i could skip the neverending ads. and you know what else was missing - rehearsal! i think almost everyone who spoke or acted muffed a line or was drowned out by laughter. what else was missing? paul

if isobel's wedding is off for next season, at least we can look forward to…a new puppy!!!! maybe new dog butt in the opening credits????

never mind marigold…spend more time with the dog!

but do you play one on tv?

i so love the accountants at the firm that love ben! they are always so thrilled when they see him!

i'll stay a week or two, i'll stay the summer through, but i am telling you, i must be……going.


droogs, let us not forget the granddaddy of all "unique language" books - "a clockwork orange."

ending the world through disease allows the physical structures of the world to remain - houses, objects, etc. the survivors interacting with these things is important to the author & her story. ending the world by destroying the physical structure (nuclear war or whatever) forces you to tell a different kind of

that's totally uncalled for.

isobel & lord merton - yay!

glad i wasn't the only one who spent the whole episode yelling, "but what about the dog?!" at the tv!