
patriots! whoooooo!

as george costanza once said, "it's not a lie…if you believe it."

you're welcome.

my cat's name is tiddles. i fling her.

damn! did not expect the spanish inquisition!

yet another example of why i do not live in the south.

it's "KITTY half time show" - get it right!

unless they're…on the block!


have to disagree with the review - i totally believed there was a mole in the troop & never considered it was all in the troop leader's head - what kind of plot would that give us?
ps. if linda had written a thunder girls theme song, this would've been an "A" episode for sure.

you have to pause & read the small print disclaimers…

or wearing it!

perhaps "your dad's old place" was his house & not his restaurant?

that is one creepy looking bear…

what rhymes with cooraaaalllll?

i noticed the airbag, too! how cool would it have been if it was full of popcorn like a jiffypop? (idea courtesy of snl)

thanks for the link - really cool guy!

how can daryl aim his crossbow with his hair all over his eyes???? i want to throw a barrette at the tv!

or locked the young man in a cage to starve him for a few weeks prior to filming. if he was truly committed to his craft, he wouldn't have minded.

but the film is ruined by a much-too-healthy & annoyingly cheerful tim!!! nasty brat needs to be beaten a few licks…