
after reading/watching these stories, i now feel that i can competently load & fire a baker rifle which could come in quite handy some day, you never know…

i absolutely hate romantic stories…that being said, i love this film! wouldn't have seen it at all but my mum was visiting & wanted to see it so we went. i rewatch it every couple of years or so. the humor is wonderfully quiet & the whole thing just purrs along so well.

thanks for lodging the thought of scott's balls in my brain.

the muppets version is indeed a good one.

this version is one of only two versions i can remember that include the "ignorance and want children" in the christmas present section (the other being the alistair sims version) & it's an important part. i have to say my fave version is the musical one with albert finney (which doesn't have the "children" but adds

structure-wise, it was anticlimactic as the climax was something not happening (the thing didn't burn). simpsons' writers should learn to be more active in their plotting.

that is one great book. simply great.

if only he hadn't been wearing his lucky ham…

my son is also named bort.

i bog to differ.

spoiler - the plants were dead all the time.

don't you mean "the mcdermott manbutt sized hole?"

interesting interview, although i thought it was odd that he refers to schlitzie surtees as a "she" when the article that is linked indicates that although dressed in a dress, schlitzie was male.

yay yay yay for "bob's burgers!" no more football bumps!!!!

are we still doing that?

thanks! will look it up, i'd love to see him live.

where is he speaking?

i liked "tommyknockers" although all that stuff about nuclear power is a bit tiresome. i get the whole "nuclear power is a gift & a curse just like the alien's exposure" thing but he does tend to pound it into the ground.

which makes the title ironic! i see what he was doing there!

i couldn't get past the second book for some reason.