Verbal Kunt


You know when I knew this would happen?
When I watched the pilot and really, really liked it.

While that would be awesome, the actual baseball scenes would be brutal. Danny McBride is a lot of things, but a natural athlete ain't one of 'em.

Porn actor
The bald, mid-to-late-30s white Secret Service guy that was covering Blair Underwood is a current/former porn actor.

I was going to
write a pilot about my phobia of Mobius strips.

But … but … there's a smart guy with Asperger's! And a guy who can't talk to chicks! And an Indian (dot) guy! And Johnny Galecki! And a hot babe!

Katey Sagal
is 19 different kinds of awesome and sexy.

I wholeheartedly concur.

Is it the second "last-second"?

Seafood allergies
Well, at least she didn't feed her boys tuna.

I, for one, am impressed by Senator Ryu's haiku skills, and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

I'm not your guv, chief.

I know it's pointless to comment on something this frivolous regarding a show about vampires, faeries and were-panthers, but the actor playing the quarterback had comically bad mechanics.


"But Smith writes some of the least naturalistic dialogue this side of, well, Gigli. A sentence like "You know, a dumbfounded, mouth-agape look of shock might be construed by some as an editorial crack" (which Affleck says to Tyler in a getting-acquainted diner scene) is less a line of dialogue than a compendium

Well, it's just a stylized "S" that, unfortunately, may or may not look like a swastika when you're drunk.


As a huge Soundgarden fan,
and someone who has their old Sub Pop "S" logo tattooed on my shoulder, allow me to say …

Surprised Rabin didn't mention
Reign Over Me. I thought that was his best acting job, the one time I was watching him and not actively thinking, "that's Adam Sandler, he's going to do something Adam Sandler-ish soon."

Was it just me,
or was the guy playing Dangle actually pretty good?