Emasculate Conception

I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility.

Thank you.
These guys were the opening act at a show I saw a couple of years ago. It felt like I had been raped in the ear.

Is there going to be a list of the WORST bad movies of the '00s? If so, I would nominate "Fireproof" starring Kirk Cameron. The "christian film" genre is pretty full of terrible movies actually.

@ Al Cracka: I haven't read Why Evolution is True, but I am on the last chapter of The Greatest Show on Earth. Having read a bunch of other Dawkins, this book is mostly review, nut Dawkins has a knack for using interesting examples, and he explains things very well. And there have been a few "aha" moments for me -

The two books are pretty different, besides both being about evolution. But if you liked Watchmaker, I would expect you to like TGSOE.

@ Al Cracka: I haven't seen any mention of Coyne here, but Dawkins has nothing but good things to say about Coyne and his book. He mentions it over and over again in The Greatest Show On Earth. Coyne has a nice positive blurb on the back too.