
Stop doing that.

I'm voting for the original Bad News Bears, with the original pottymouthed Tanner, and The Immortal Line:

You're right. I'm sorry. Go ahead and "use exaggeration" to bitch and complain and about who wrote a movie. It was so interesting, I don't know why I interrupted.

How exactly does one reply to nothing? Why didn't you just start a new comment? I know I'm being a dick here, but I'm a confused dick.

You should probably look into filling your life with important things that would make an emotion like "true sadness" relevant. Like, say, I don't know…a spouse, family, friends, a home, a car, a dog, food, beer, just about anything other than who wrote this shitbag movie.

I can't WAIT not to see this.

No, you're dudemanyo.

Oh, you are so being watched by the government right now, DublinSuit. Actually, all of you are.

It's not any less boring than talking about the politics of fucking "poopy joke" TV show animators. Actually I didn't read this guy's comment, but it can't be less interesting than that.

Slater can't fuck hot Hollywood bitches because all that "turning around a chair backwards to sit in it" made him flaccid and sterile. Please tell me I'm not the only one who knows what I'm talking about.

Where do I sign up for this "swimming in Eva Longoria" experiment? Just doing my duty to science.

I heard his daughter's a chefsbian.

No shit. It's fuckin' FRIDAY. Relax.

The Departed. Every thing he says in that movie is a quote. "Patriot Act, Patriot Act!"

How can anyone not love Alec Baldwin?

Seinfeld was great (ok, it was fucking tremendous), but Jerry was never ever a good actor on the show. I think that was kind of the point, and made it funnier. That's certainly debatable.

My comment also…
…admires how hot she is.

There are other shows on this thing we call TV. Like The Wire, which we've all been furiously masturbating to for going on six years now.


Bib Denver of Rocky Mountain High…