Marshmellow Moustache

Busting out my mutated monster mamma's gut, Jackson style!

Shyne…. the rapper? Isn't he in prison?

Is it wrong I wanted to be in that Rogen-Kroll-Franco casserole? And if it is, just keep it to yourself.

Tori Spelling is always getting work. TO HER FACE. You know, plastic surgery. 'Cause she's vain. And empty. And talentless. Yet we all know her name.

Where the pastrami's piled high when you're coming down!

Music is overrated. Now, gusts of wind thwapping the walls of my humble abode, that I could listen to all night!

Seriously though, we don't all use the internet to jack off.

I have too much cum on my hands! - The Internet


First time I saw Frankie Muniz I beat my dick furiously.

Sixty nine verses of

Def not Birthday Party bro. Nick Cave mad naked.

I grew fat as well!

I like when the child grew fat!


She couldn't take the whole thing! ( She said it was too small and it offended her altruistic nature to even consider condoning that tiny boner.)

P.S. You're just cruising the interweb looking to get hot cowboy!

I'm glad my asshole made you all hot. My actual e-mail address is potatopillowface@gmail.com, tiger!

Once was enough! That's what she said!

IT'S SELF AWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!