
I've read the books, but I can't remember: Was this line and the fortune telling scene in the book(?)

Yes, and alas, in many parts of the world today, that is still true. Or, rape victims are forced to marry their rapists, or are shunned or even murdered by their fathers or brothers for "shaming" their families.

I felt the rape — which is from the books — was handled as well as it could be. There was no voyeuristic quality to it — the kind of rapes on Game of Thrones, for example, and many other shows and movies, that are filmed almost pornographically with the male gaze and male arousal in mind. Those kind of scenes often

Yes, I saw that too. Very well cast.

Tedious in the extreme. It seems rather narcissistic and attention-seeking, actually, to spend your days critiquing — nay, witheringly criticizing — a show you obviously dislike. Moore's this, Moore's that, Because she wants "to see how to avoid making these kinds of mistakes in adapting historical fiction." For

Your spoiler alerts are useless when you write SPOILER XYX HAPPENS all on the same line. Of course people can't help reading the line and having things spoiled. So why do you do this so often? One gets the sense you enjoy spoiling plot points for others.

Not only that, but they should type something like,

Absolutely. It is incredibly common knowledge. I don't know how someone could not know this. They are a very famous couple, and were before this TV show.

Yes. A big lie like that is so disconcerting when you realize that everything you believed about your world or your relationship was false. It makes you go back and reevaluate every moment, every memory, in the light of this new discovery.

Sheesh. My great grandfather's master's thesis in the 1930s was on the gay hookup culture in Forest Park (in St. Louis). They might have used different terminology and being homosexual was illegal and grounds for firing, but it certainly was no secret that it existed. When I was a kid in the 60s and 70s my parents

So, I'm new to this series, binge watching it this weekend. Wash U is my alma mater, so I've been thrilled by all the Wash U references, including the shield on the podium in the Anna Freud scenes. (Of course, that shield wasn't introduced until the 80s, but that's a persnickety detail.)

I'm glad the rich doctors didn't win. What would $1 million be to them? A year's salary? Two at most. Plus, the sanctimony while cheating themselves was a bit much. I sure hope the baseball wives are not in All Stars. Sick to death of mactors and other similar casting. I root for the real people all the way..

It would have been more courageous to have him outted and in prision, and force all around him to deal with the knowledge the way Deb had to confront it.

What I'm really miffed and befuddled about is why we're getting so little of Rachel's story line. The rehearsals for Funny Girl are what I most look forward to every week, and yet there has been one scene or song this season that I can recall. I am bored to tears by the Ohio stories. I can't stand or just don't care