
I just want to say this: We're getting Prince Devitt vs. Tyler Black in the main event at Summerslam for the new Universal Title.

No, I meant the lead child actor. Everyone else was perfect.

"Ah come on! I'm not leaving without my kiss. I can wait…

I have the same problem with a lot of movies, especially Time Bandits.

It happened in 1994! Plus it has no relevancy to the plot or contains any spoilers whatsoever. I just like the quote.

"I think we all learned a little something about the Armenian Genocide." "It was too much, man!"
-Horsin' Around, 1994

Wrestling Inc. claims that based on a page off of the WWE App promoting the upcoming draft, the Smackdown GM is most likely Daniel Bryan.

I was kind of hoping a Todd Hiddleston-type would get the role, but this is still a fantastic pic.

I have a theory working just because Krieger said "Suck it Alan Turing!": They were both Archer-bots. That was Krieger celebrating that his creation passed the Turing test in having them believing the real Archer was dead. He didn't say anything because it would mean he failed.

"This year, let he who is without sin kick the first ass!"

Any thoughts on the Tom Tom Club?

1. X2
2. X-Men: DOFP
3. X-Men: First Class
4. X-Men
5. Deadpool
6. X-Men: Apocalypse
7. The Wolverine
8. X-Men: The Last Stand
9. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Rugrats-"Mothers' Day"
Bojack Horseman-"Escape From LA"
F is for Family-Just, all of it. I mean my God!
Any part of Arrested Development season 4 featuring GOB or Tobias

I don't know how I feel about this. I mean, having Archer die because of Veronica just feels kind of, i don't know, anticlimactic? It's like if he were to be killed by a character like Conway; I just think he doesn't deserve to die like this. Plus, having Veronica get away leaves me a bit upset (mainly because I'd


"You dropped a building on me, but I still kicked out at 2."

Where should I start with his fiction?

Colorado's is spot on!

BREAKING NEWS: "I, Daniel Blake" has won the Palme d'Or.