
You're right. I was trying to articulate my feelings on this without singling out WWE (which is what I was already doing). But yeah, the American independent scene is just amazing right now.

Because of the stigma associated with professional wrestling in the US, I often have difficulty explaining to people I know what makes New Japan Pro Wrestling as great of a product as it is. Greater attention is paid to match quality and providing something more than serviceable to fans who have grown cynical of the

So is Dutch dead? We only know that he was run over with a car three times so I am not sure.

They give it a season only to realize how demanding Allen is, leading to its cancellation. I say this since Allen was the only person from the show to really voice any outrage over the decision.

I'll be fine with Smackdown if they bring over DIY and Asuka. My only major problem with it now is that Gallows and Anderson are still on Raw.

"Seriously, these potato heads have to be the un-sexiest mob of all time!"

Remember when they were wanting Wrestlemania to rival Wrestle Kingdom 11 as far as overall quality is concerned? Me neither.

You are right in stating that the Rumble should not be solely defined by who wins, but at the same time, whoever is deemed the winner does have the capabilities of making or breaking the match as a whole. It's sort of like having a great movie with a bad ending. It's just that reading a list of the winners, it's

2011: Alberto Del Rio (lost to Edge)
2012: Sheamus (beat Daniel Bryan)
2013: John Cena (beat The Rock)
2014: Batista (lost to Daniel Bryan)
2015: Roman Reigns (lost to Seth Rollins)
2016: Triple H (lost to Roman Reigns)

I feel like with the recent death of Jimmy Snuka, the company would hold off on releasing Tamina (for now).

*Waits on Weird Al to make a song about Nazi Punching Day*

Just in time for Owens to lose it. Good show!

The inclusion of Bowie's "Heroes" at the end was not just a nice touch, but perhaps the best way this show could have ended given how this show has used music in the past.

Two Things:
1. When is Gumball ending?
2. CN has all the tools to continue this boom given the pilots that are at their disposal (most of which are on Youtube) but they're going the safer route by ordering more reboots of past series. And again, we still have Steven Universe, We Bare Bears and Lakewood Plaza Turbo is

Mine is try new things in literature and film. Since grade school, I've felt that certain media texts have been restricted from me or stigmatized because of who it's by or what the material communicates. Typically this had to deal with the gender of the writer/director/main characters and the plot of the piece. For

It reminds me of a joke on Family Guy: When discussing reconstructing the post-apocalyptic world, Chris goes "And we can have two Denny's so we can say 'Let's not go to that Denny's; let's go to the good one.'" I feel like that match could make Smackdown the good Denny's.

I feel that out of all the talent on Smackdown, Miz probably has the best shot at winning the Rumble. It's clear that there is someone in the back that's behind him, allowing him all of the promo time he's received and allowing him to script his own work (which yes, more superstars need to do). And with this past year

The Collected Poetry of WB Yeats
Under Western Eyes by Joseph Conrad
The Rainbow by DH Lawrence
Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf
Selected Poems by WH Auden
Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce
In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami
Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Democracy Matters by Dr Cornel West

I have a rule that when a film makes me cry tears of joy, it automatically gets an A from me. Examples:

Sheamus will always have Gary Anthony Williams. Always.