
I will admit, I kind of teared up in the last 5 minutes. There was just something about it, from Kenny using the money he made working to buy his sister a doll, to the Whole Foods ad that, while working as a critique of fake/forced diversity, also felt like a reflection on the universe that South Park has created over

This was the first episode in a while to make me truly like Butters as a character.

I feel like that would give it too great of an advantage.

"It was like Terminator vs. Roomba." I kind of want to see that now.

I think we can all learn from the cultural allegory of Lion King 2.

FOX News better stay out of my movies!

New Day, and nothing else

I nearly died laughing seeing Rick covered in blood as he said, "I've been inside a kid all day!"

While I understand that the running joke of Beth and Jerry's literally toxic marriage is getting to the point of beating a dead horse with a stick, I really want to see more of Beth. "Read it and weep, bitch!"

I knew he was going to lose when I saw that WWE invested time and money into those 15x Champ t-shirts.

Anyone else notice that Mr. Poopybutthole was in the opening credits of this episode?

I see all of these horrendous, dead on arrival movies getting greenlit and it makes me think. How has Alejandro Jodorowsky not killed himself yet?

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Mad Cow
Mad Cow who?

The Public: "That's it Internet, go to bed."
Internet: "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
P: "You'll die if you don't sleep!"
Wikipedia: "HAHAHA! Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys!" *car crashes*

When I heard Olivia Wilde threaten Bojack like that, my reaction was not "OH SHIT!" but "…wow." Also, the sequence immediately after was maybe my favorite of the series so far. He is a fuck up. He will never not be one. I say this not as a humorous anecdote, but rather a depressing actuality. This is without a doubt,


I usually saw them as a series of disconnected vignettes.

I prefered the longer series after I got suited to the dialogue.