Fuck-ton Sinclair

Wait, is this a reposted Youtube comment?

"No I'm quite serious sir, please close your mouth while you're eating, you're frightening the other diners."

Who's the oversized prez walkin' away with that steam tray at the breakfast bar?

Bully vs. Belly

Who is the man /
Who eats his way through all he can? /
Taft! /

The rest of America means fuck all. The crazies are the gatekeepers to the nomination.

He left out the "yellow" modifier.

I endorse this message.

As a metaphor for something that unarguably, objectively exists but is nevertheless completely and forever beyond your reach ('it's going to drive me out of my mind') I think it's pretty potent. The version from the Loaded sessions is way better BTW. It's not showtunes at all, it's pure rock and roll.

Yeah, not seeing where his anger comes from. If the deaf folks are getting something out of it, more power to 'em.

If I'm a dude, and I like to fuck myself on my back (and I do, I really really do) is that "on top" or "normal"?

You're going to get so much hate for this, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think something similar while reading the article. I DO like the idea of making an effort to include people. I don't see how feeling vibrations from low frequencies and getting a rough approximation of words that are most often completely

I like to think signing a 2 Live Crew concert would just devolve into jabbing your index finger in and out of the "a-ok" hand signal for two hours.

It's always gonna be too soon.

[door swings open]

They should call it LEAVING a dump.

THE Gift is hilarious, but I think as a way of conveying some essential truths to a certain kind of sheltered, dangerously naive breed of young man, it's also in deadly earnest.

Yes, shitty is accurate, but doesn't quite convey how odd it all is. I was born in '76, BTW, and I still don't understand. Looking back it just seems more freakish and alien the older I get. Perspective doesn't clear things up.

See, this guy gets it.

I love sex with your parents too.