
Totally agreed, by far the worst season ever.!

I hate that we were forced to watch almost two seasons of repetitive scenes with Arya training, getting her ass kicked, training, getting her ass kicked etc etc just for the fucking Waif to sneak up behind her and gut her like a fish. Makes everything just seem like a waste of time. Even I knew it was the fucking

I know this was two years ago but this comment is just ridiculous and so entirely incorrect.

What is it about Madison that makes you think she's a great character? Not trying to be rude, actually asking….

But that wasn't the bare minimal plot of TWD at all… it was the overall arc of that part of the season. The characters continued 'walking', sure, but tons of other things actually occurred throughout those 8 episodes. The things mentioned by the original commenter is basically all that's happened since the season

And other things occurred as they did said walk… Your point?

That some pretty boring and unoriginal (especially if you've seen TWD, as we all have) 'action' to occur over the span of FIVE EPISODES.
I repeat what the commenter said, minus the 'I don't hate this show' bit: