
A large part of the show is an exploration of how conventional morality and the niceties of civilization get tossed out the window when respectable people feel threatened. Skyler has really come to embody the thinness of this veneer.

I agree that Walt Jr is a horribly underdeveloped character, largely there to force Walt to still keep up the pretense of being a normal guy, but having to keep the truth from his son, even as the rest of the world learns that he is Heisenberg presents some pretty interesting possibilities.

Breaking Bad spinoff: Badger is kidnapped by aliens who give him an unlimited budget and put him in charge of making Star Trek and Babylon 5 based fan fiction TV shows.

Once again Hank undermines his own cause by being every bit as manipulative and controlling as Walt. In the case of Skyler, he sent her back into Walt's arms, in the case of Jesse, he has spawned an unknown wild card which promises to break the stalemate in a highly entertaining and unpredictable way. Jesse Pinkman

I didn't think this season was that great at all. Aside from some nice moments, i.e. the Vampire prison break, Erik's chess match with the governor, I felt like this season was larded with uninspired characters (Warlow, Niall, Bellefleur's fey daughter) and storylines that went nowhere (Sam protecting his dead

Part of me hopes that Walter White gets bit by a tarantula which cures him of cancer.

Scorsese tends to take a lot of crap whenever he departs from his familiar Italian/crime/New York cycle, but I think he did much of his finest work outside that ouvre. The Last Temptation of Christ is one of the greatest religious movies ever made. After Hours is one of the funniest alienation comedies I've ever seen,

For me, the Holy Grail of 1983 would have to be see the Talking Heads on their Stop Making Sense live tour. I was only twelve years old at the time, but by the end of the decade they would become my favorite band and I've always regretted not being old or hip enough in 1983 to see them on their final tour.

I actually saw Curse of the Pink Panther in the theater. Even as a 12 year-old, I remember barely laughing.

The third book was so awful that the only way I see them making two films out of it is if they just use the book as a general outline and populate the films with completely different storylines and dialogue.

One of my favorite things about The King of Comedy: The Clash get a cameo as a group of street punks.

There's a really great moment in King of Comedy which I think summarizes the fickle nature of celebrity well. A woman on a pay phone recognizes Jerry and gushingly calls him over to say hello to her husband, but then when he declines, she wishes cancer on him.

Stealing a baby. Marie is such a klepto.

Topper Headon claimed to have written the tune for Rock the Casbah before getting fired.

I found that album almost as cringe-inducing as Cut The Crap.

I've really been looking forward to Elysium, but I'm glad you gave it a C+. I usually have a better time at the movie theater if I go in with reduced expectations.

I totally thought this was going to be an article about The Wallflowers.

I'd forgotten just how much epically shitty pop culture could trace its roots back to Happy Days.

I sort of felt like Season 5 had just gotten going. I thought just about every episode was great, but most of them felt like complete stories, so I didn't get the full sense of the long-arch narrative that I got from most seasons. Of course, the fact that the season was only eight episodes long contributes to that. I

Rex Reed is still alive?