
Observation about Dean: Getting dumped by Triana and discovering the truth about his origins has finally turned him into the sort of sensitive brooding loner Triana might go for.

Sgt Hatred was actually kind of entertaining in this one. He's much more interesting when he's not wallowing in self-pity or nail-biting over his pedophilia.

Dean was pretty much a one-note character for three seasons. I'm glad to see them taking him in a different direction, and for that, I'll give them some time to develop him. Plus, he was pretty central to the plot of this episode, unwittingly springing Myra from the asylum and all.

Interesting speculation about Myra being a clone of Dr V's dead bodyguard. That might also explain her insanity, as they've established that the clones are a little loopier than their originals.

I think getting rid of the clones and letting Hank and Dean grow up was one of the best moves this show could have made. After three seasons, they had cranked about as much mileage as they were going to get out of Hank and Dean's juvenile enthusiasm and naivete. Letting Hank develop into a lovable spazz and Dean into

God help me, I can't stop laughing when I think about Doc talking to Teddy Ruxpin about taking a dip in the "honey river."

Don Draper's presentation to Hershey's was one of my favorite moments in series history, as I felt it really crystallized the heart of advertising and our vain attempt to medicate feelings of alienation and inadequacy with consumption. I feel like at its heart, Mad Men is really about emptiness and running from the

In such a scenario, the best solution for everyone would be for Tyrion to divorce Sansa and marry Daenerys. Daenerys would add legitimacy to his throne, he would bring experience and knowledge of Westeros, and Sansa would finally be free to marry some pretty knight.

Harry Nilsson's Everybody's Talking and/or Say Goodbye by Piney Gir.

Can Sgt Hatred just die, already? By sending Brock away to OSI and bringing Hatred in as Venture bodyguard, they've basically turned their best character into a sideshow while moving their worst character to center stage. He's the dragging anchor on what has otherwise been a really strong start to Season 5.

Note to Jason Stackhouse: if somebody stops to pick up a stocking-cap clad hitch hiker covered in blood, it's probably some sort of soul demon.

I guess I was the only one pumping my fist in the air cheering for private sector growth guided by public need and sensible tax incentives.

My favorite moment was when one of the SPHINX veterans was taunting the imprisoned Hank for wearing the Countess' strength suit. Hank tears the jail door off its hinges and nails the guy with it.

I'm glad Sally is finally going somewhere, rather than just being stuck in the purgatory of a childhood she's long since outgrown. Sally and Glen are two of my favorite characters and I hope this development means we'll see more of them both.

I kind of had the same first impression, but then I had to remind myself that this is an alternate universe with different ethnicities and cultural baggage than our own, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Battlecar: I didn't remember any of that stuff about Tyrion, so you're right, that does make the trade seem more reasonable, at least from the standpoint of expecting the Lannisters to accept and abide by such a trade. Still not exploiting the capture of Jaime to its full advantage, but it's certainly not the act of

Is it too much to hope for an episode where Marshal gets high with George W. Bush?

Bob kind of reminds me of Don when he was trying to break into the biz. Buying Roger lunch, being all ingratiating and smiling and shit.

You read the reviews of TV shows you don't like? Must be nice to have that much time.

I don't think Robb Stark (or any of the Starks) are dumb, but clearly they choose principle over pragmatism to a degree that make it very hard to prevail against others who have no such scruples. Allying with the Tyrells was a good move, as was sacrificing 2000 soldiers in a feint to defeat and capture Jaime