
The LP this band put out has one song that anyone remembers (Hunger Strike), and a lot of midtempo songs that are mostly decent enough, but its a long time from 1991.

Jimmy Page was so wasted during that time he was unable to write anything, and Zep was falling apart. John Paul Jones did as well as he could in writing those songs.

In Kayfabe, Pro Wrestling and MMA are supposed to be equal. But what has happened is that WWE have pumped so much heat and credibility into Brock by having him destroy guys that it makes the rest of the roster look like chumps, and WWE have built up Brock so much, that they are going to have a massive task building up

Or to fuck with them mentally. His booking (with the exception of the inferno match with Kane) was great when he first came to the main roster.

Orton was red hot in early 2009 with Legacy. Then this happened.

They broke up.

Considering that the roster has so little heat and credibility, cutting it in two is just stupid. The ecurrent champion is a dude that since The Shield split, lost practically every PPV match that mattered and got beat by Triple H and Brock Lesnar earlier this year. And while Ambrose winning at MitB was awesome, dude

I like the Ugly Kid Joe version of the song a lot better than the original.

I liked that version far better than the original, and the video for that song was really nice.

"Grunge" wasn't really a genre, just a catch all term. And on their first record, Smashing Pumpkins were pretty much a hard rock band, as were Pearl Jam. The electronica influenced part of their sound and the Wall of Sound guitars came in a bit later.

For me, Staind sounded like a denatured version of Alice in Chains, without the vocal melodies, the guitar work of Jerry Cantrell or the uncommon time signatures. Staind, as a result of their overwrought vocalist and dull guitar work, are pretty hard to listen to.

"slick production, umpteen overdubs, unfashionably outspoken commercial ambitions"

Cantrell is a big fan of Drop-D. I like hearing it on his songs, but not smelling one.

Swervedriver mainly sung about driving in the USA and girls on motorbikes, despite being from Oxford.

Smashing Pumpkins got their first taste of mainstream exposure in 1992 when Drown (one of the best songs that Corgan ever wrote) was placed on the Singles soundtrack, and the Pumpkins did tour with Pearl Jam in 1991.

Considering its now over 20 years old, can we call Nu Metal something else please? I forward "Douche Metal" for bands like Limp Bizkit, early Staind (before they turned into a Bush League Alice in Chains) and Korn, and call Deftones and other good bands tarred with the same brush as bands such as the Bizkit as

"Durst's delivery is an obvious deal breaker for a lot of people, but I think in the genre he's one of the best front men"

Nathan Rabin summed up Limp Bizkit and 1999 far better on this same site.

Limp Bizkit covered "Home Sweet Home". It was horrific.

Seconded. The lyrics are pretty awful, and have pretty misogynistic overtones and its not pleasant. Musically, it sounds like much of the back catalogue of Staind - watered down Alice in Chains.