
Out of all the awful Jam Bands to come out of the late 80s/early 90s, 4 non blondes were the worst of them all. I know most of their songs were pretty short, but they had quite a few of the hallmarks of bands like the Spin Doctors and Blues Traveler (though Id rather listen to a 10 minute blues harp solo than whats

actually, its also a referance to the street name of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine, which is known as STP, so on that level, and considering how stoned Weiland was (Enough to sing about wanting to drink someones bathwater) when the band was first active, kind of fits.

The music critics already decided that in 1993 - Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains were the real deal, and Stone Temple Pilots were a cheap rip off.

I like the Queens, but my fave work by Homme are Blues for the Red Sun and Welcome to Sky Valley. The former is one of the greatest Hard Rock records ever recorded, and the sound of it its just brilliant, Chris Goss (his band Masters of Reality are really good too) managed to capture the sound of the band perfectly.

Yeah, the Triceratops is a good Dinosaur, but really, they should have put a Mojoceratops Skull on there.

Dont forget Disintergration by the Cure, that record was also quite a touchstone, the sense of despiration, the feeling of isolation, that had quite an effect on Ride.

Why dont the Brothers Deleo just rehire Richard Patrick, get the drummer from Korn and make another Army of Anyone record? I liked the AoA record, much better than the last two STP records and better than anything Patrick did with Filter (AKA NIN Lite). Scott Weilands voice is shot, Chester has a voice unsuited to

The songs lyrics were partly inspired by a dead body found near the Hollywood sign, (the "when the dogs begin to smell her" line), and the rest about a failing relationship.
Plush is pretty good, despite being one of the first Hunger dunger dang songs, in a few years HDD would be all over radio like a really bad rash,

Personally, I prefer the shoegazing bands, that was a far more progressive and innovative scene than the Madchester one, which spawned some awful, awful bands, and the Stone Roses were far and away the best band in that scene.

I think Mastodon deserve a toilet roll dispenser, as do Wilco. Thats what I would use a grammy for.

Right, lets get this out of the way first - Nickelback are an awful, awful band, and that other dude with the Xmas album sucks too.

And holy shit, he might be right. If so, the human race is doomed.

The riff used for when we stand together is pretty nifty, and that is actually a half decent song. Perhaps if they let someone esle sing apart from Chad, and they worked on other avenues, then they could go somewhere musically. But with so many other Ten era water downers, if they did that, they would fall off the

God, that Collective Soul song is like Janes addiction with no balls musically.

Blind Melon, while they thought they were an alternative rock band, musically sounded like the Allman Brothers, with the long loose, slightly funky songs, and sounded like they would be right at home in the 1970s, so I cannot see how they would not fit on classic rock radio.

To be fair, they did have some good songs. "Little things" is pretty good, mind you its a blatant rip of Smells li…….. I mean, its like "Gouge away" by the Pixies, the same song Kurt Cobain tried to rip off by his own admission when writing his bands first hit.

They do water down the style of several excellent bands (Spritualized, Mercury Rev, Radiohead) so they can be classified as rock, but I would put them in a new genre they have pioneered, the "Plain Missionary between a couple whose spark has gone from the relationship rock" as they are like a really bland and boring

Bush a noughties throw back?
Was the height of their popularity not around 1995, when Mr Rossdale was doing a more mainstream, less edgy impersonation of Nirvana?