
But over a certain age, it's no good.

I LIKE all these movies and this weird pressured-to-enjoy-it gauntlet sounds nightmarish. I'm sure my hypothetical future spouse will enjoy something I don't; I hope she doesn't force me to endure whatever the least accessible version of that thing is.

I don't think anybody watched the show for Chris. When it's good, which it is fairly frequently, it's because of the "contestants." Whoever books the guests is the show's MVP.

Anecdotal evidence, but it felt to me like the advertising presence was fairly heavy on regular TV, thanks in large part to the corporate partnerships. Ads for pizza or Audi or the NBA finals or whatever would also be ads for Spider-man Homecoming. Didn't see tons of actual commercials for the movie itself, but still

I'll be surprised if Yung Chewy isn't already an existing rapper.

Uhhh, isn't redecorating the Tardis already a thing new male Doctors do?

The annoyance was with the version of the game that included only Finn, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, or Luke as options. People complained; they promised Rey; THEN they scrapped humans altogether instead.

I continue to be baffled that many people's definition of a "strong candidate" apparently does not include "NOT being massively unpopular among Americans." You can argue that the reasons she's unpopular are BS. You can argue that she'd be great at the job if she actually managed to get it. But between 2012, 2016, and

Beyoncé certainly helps, but she's not a replacement for the entire persuasion phase of a campaign or material support of on-the-ground volunteers.

I rewatched Memento a few days ago, and Following for the first time a few weeks ago. Memento is fantastic. Following is fine.

I'm sick of mosquitos getting credit for the hard work of malaria and other diseases. Let's see you kill somebody with your bare equivalent-of-hands, mosquitos, and then maybe I'll start to respect your inflated numbers.

You can sum up basically anything in a pithy dismissive sentence. "Three white guys go looking for a shark? That's a movie?" "Somebody kills this long-haired dude's dog so he shoots people? That's a movie?" And so on.

I don't remember them mentioning the "it's literally a video game" aspect when those photos came out. This movie makes a lot more sense now in multiple ways, since it also seemed like the cast was sorely lacking in kids for a Jumanji movie.

I learn a lot about health cares on the cyber.

Charlie and Frank gave superb performances in Nightcrawlers.

'90s Dazzler's going to live in her van.

Maybe "on board" is the wrong phrase. But he definitely thinks it's some kind of rhetorical gotcha he can rub in people's faces. "Oh I thought you guys LOVED solar panels! Who's the hypocrite now? Nyah nyah nyah!"

He's gonna congratulate Macron on all the fries and toast.

I don't understand the hair being split here. The Hulk's on the Avengers. His Harlem fight with Abomination is glimpsed in Iron Man 2 and The Avengers, and referenced in Daredevil and Agents of SHIELD. General Ross was in Civil War. It's just as much a part of the MCU as Ant-Man or Thor 2 or whatever.

Always? Of the five Spider-man movies, "too many characters" could be reasonably lobbed at two. And I'm not sure TASM2's problem is quantity so much as the terrible quality of those characters.