
Harmonquest is like the old D&D segments but more focused and streamlined. They still do bits, obviously, but they don't get so distracted that nothing gets accomplished all session. Plus you get the fun visuals where the animators have to draw all the wonderfully stupid stuff they do. I'm excited for the second

And what about our R&B-loving friends the D'Angelophiles?

It's like that saying… how does it go again? "Democracy flourishes in darkness?"

Loose lips sink championships!

I'm kinda worried about this. He's 71, has an explicitly anti-exercise mindset, and eats nothing but junk and the charred remains of steak. He's highly likely to croak on a golf course partway through a term and then we'll have: (1) President Pence, (2) a loss of the anti-Trump energy to help drive political

The Lonely Island. I've listened to the Popstar soundtrack a lot.

Everything about Rubio sounds like he'd be good at campaigning right up until he actually campaigns.

As I understand it, those are just two examples and apparently she does some new cringey racially-tinged thing on a regular basis. I can't tell you what all those things are because every time I hear about it it just becomes "Katy Perry [static] oblivious white [static]" to me. She's not a person I care about enough

The Namor film rights are super-vague. A couple years ago Feige said that Marvel does have them, but there are "entanglements" with "other parties" that complicate his use.

I mean, I wouldn't trust a real random billionaire to perpetrate vigilante justice, but I enjoy reading about Batman.

I don't even particularly like 2 and this take is too spicy for me.

Early information suggests that SEVENTY-TWO percent of people aged 18-24 voted. In May 2015 UK it was 43%. In November 2016 US it was 50%.

That sounds great. Ant-Man and Wasp don't exactly have an amazing roster of villains, so why not use the opportunity to have a (mostly?) villain-free exploration narrative?

TWO women on ONE show? Is that even possible??

I think that electric theme is great and catchy and doesn't feel like Wonder Woman at all. It sucks that it's too memorable to get dropped so now it's hard for her to have a theme that actually fits Diana.

I think the implication is the island has gotten even more and more isolated over time. Like, they used to take occasional trips out to bring back books/language/art?, but they haven't been out in a long time (hence the guns taking them by surprise).

It's Maru. In the comics, she's the ancestor of a second woman to take the mantle of Dr. Poison.

No sense of security intended. Certainly the nation is jam-packed with sexists and racists and its systems are both those things, and Trump can win 2020 and doom is basically certain in general. Merely speaking to how electoral results are not a super-accurate reflection of any given populace.

Less than half of the population votes at all, whether for ineligibility or by choice, so he got less than half of less than half. Not that every single child, felon and non-voter dislikes Trump but a lot of them do.