
"Hello, my future girlfriend."

it wasn't expressly said, but Qetsiyah seems to think she has seen it happen so many times that I guessed the implication was they usually appeared together.

yes, but without vampires (as there weren't when it all started), an elena born in the 1400s and a stefan born in the 1800s aren't going to do much for the doomed love, are they? wouldn't it make sense that nature would put a pair in each generation if it wanted the story to repeat?

I am so surprised at how much people dislike this episode! It was so fun. I love having a new Paul Wesley every week. That single tear of frustration during the scene in the crypt with Jesse - geez, he is good. This episode really demonstrated the number of quality cry-actors this show has…

Well, Katherine and Stefan fell in love too… I guess vampirism can mess with the timeline (Katherine/Stefan should each have been long dead when Stefan/Elena were born). But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a reveal that Katherine had a Stefanganger in centuries past.

Yes, this is definitely valid. The jumping from bro to bro and constant 'choice' required from Elena does get tired. Last season I was SURE Elena would want Stefan and he'd turn her down, because then at least it was someone other than Elena making the decision between the two.

I'm approaching this issue by just turning my coworkers to TVD. One by one they are coming to the dark side. Including my (male) boss.

Extremely predictable but so fun! Fingers are crossed so hard that the Stefan/Elena stuff in next week's promo is a decoy and that when Katherine realises she has a clean slate (at least temporarily) with Stefan, she turns up her human charm and draws him back in as she's been trying to for so long. YES STEFERINE.

I assumed the deed was done as soon as she was made immortal. No-return policy.

I recall another bed in the scene where they come back into their room to find Megan's Microsoft Surface (TM) and suicide note gone. A bed with red linen and something folded on top of it. It was on the other side of the doorway and is conveniently out of shot most of the time.

Yes, I agree with all of your comment. I was surprised at "I'd take her back in a second" and as soon as he said that, I knew we were going to see her choose Damon - otherwise Stefan's character is basically condemned to continue the usual cycle and we have the same result as S3 finale.
I was expecting Elena to choose

Sorry, yes, she chose him before she turned but then confirmed her choice afterwards, so it didn't seem that her feelings for him just evaporated.

So… you can't be a witch and a vampire but Silas is a vampire that made himself immortal with a spell? Hmmm. If his lover was human, why would he want to be immortal? Why this race for the cure if he did it to himself? Not buying this 'loophole' either. It was said back in.. when was it.. season 3? You don't just get

Everyone wants bad Damon back. Why not have that scene over, with Damon planning to actually kill Matt (and thinking he has), except Matt has known better than to trust the Salvatores and has put the ring on to protect himself without anyone noticing? Same result, better for both characters.

This reply is actually for Coolest Kid but I don't get a reply button on their post - Quetsiyah spelled Silas to be indestructible, as Bonnie is promising for Katherine. Hence the immortality. I think?

What are you doing?! Go back! Watch!!

I originally liked the conflict of the sire bond… but I agree, it robbed Elena of the best parts of her character. Totally understand the lack of 'carbonation'.

Awkward Eastern Australian. Definitely not Irish and not deliberate.

I think they say that they fled to England (don't they?) so I assumed they had been there for a long time.. that's where they were when Katherine was brought to Klaus.

CAN THEY PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT KOL'S ACCENT. It is truly awful. I don't think I have ever heard another Australian so incapable of holding a British accent for more than a syllable or two. Really, really bad.