
… "strange" being *my* favorite euphemism for the aforementioned.

In the form of a complisult: "You're all skin and bones!"

(1) Get a St. Bernard named Joan and some red wine.
(2) Go jogging [around the store, I guess??]. The dog follows you, happy as a clam, panting.
(3) When you both get thirsty, crack 'er barrel.

Spanking the Monkey.

I guess there's a Hollywood wolf that will suddenly get a lot of full-time work.

Pods and Pods.

Eux, ils sont des gens pléonastique.

… Moore.

I love Lady Antediluvian's music.

It makes you feel inadequate for being unable to reciprocate unconditional love.

Why, he's conserving it? What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall on that rainy day where he spends all his saved sex and violence.

What do you do at Cracker Barrel?

"You come at the king…"