Bob Shaw

*leans forward expectantly in chair*

This is not my beautiful house.

K Thrace  get the headphone style and move your lips as you read the comments. Can't fail.

Or lived in ancient Greece.

If you blow me, I will….oh never mind.

They be on the side stage.

Come along with Arnold as he shoots a lot of people at the junction.
(Sommerton Junction)

I don't drink Scotch often, but when I do, it's Scotch Bingington.

Licensed? Damn, I didn't know I could get licensed.

Well that was a disappointing lecture.

Well that was a disappointing lecture.

Interesting point. I've tried on several occasions to revise my opinion of Lewis, but no matter how many times I watch his movies or TV appearances, I still do not find him funny or entertaining. My apologies to you Jerry fans out there. I think he was fortunate to work in a (then) evolving medium where he was able to

Interesting point. I've tried on several occasions to revise my opinion of Lewis, but no matter how many times I watch his movies or TV appearances, I still do not find him funny or entertaining. My apologies to you Jerry fans out there. I think he was fortunate to work in a (then) evolving medium where he was able to

No ones color blind in Mississippi.

Listening to Metallic is murder. AMIRITE??


Handjob. Handjob. Handjob.

8-track? Cassette? You young whippersnappers. Let me thread up my reel-to-reel and give it a listen.

Really? Her hotness factor just went up.

I remain drunk, But that's cause I never stopped drinking last night.