Bob Shaw

I'm going to round up some punk girls, turn 'em into and thrash band and call them "Torture's Handmaiden".

Veronica, why are you pulling my dick?

Yeah, for me to. I thought I remembered every failed show that aired on Fox, but I'll be damned if I can remember that one.
*resumes watching Herman's Head on DVD**

Imagine the song she would have wrote when that drunk bastard dumped her ass.

Cliffy: I thought he may have been lit up as well…which doesn't bode well for his personality. I'm much funnier and charming when high. He was just dull.

K Thrace  I don't know anything about either. Now Star Trek…I could lecture the hell out of that subject.

"Shot" of what?

*"the more you know" theme plays*

Or binder-full of women.

Rock of the Westies is my 2nd favorite after Road, and probably his last solid wall-to-wall album.

I would kill for a Shatnerized version of GBYBR:

Hmmm…cookie metal.

Prove it.

Hey, everybody! Dawes…..OF COCK.

"Oh, crap…that wasn't supposed to slide all the way into my womb."

*counts likes*

*buys guitar from Brian May*

Jesus…that put in an image in my head I will never forget.

Cookie Monster: Big Shot Reporter

Wonder if he still drives the Pussy Wagon around?