I'm lactose-intolerant. Do you have a dairy-free frozen dessert alternative?
I'm lactose-intolerant. Do you have a dairy-free frozen dessert alternative?
Never put salt in your eyes
Never put salt in your eyes
Never put salt in your eyes
Never put salt in your eyes
Never put salt
Always put
Always put salt in your eyes
Always put salt in your eyes
Always put salt in your eyes
"WHAT is going ON in Mexico???"
But matcha's Japanese! And that means it's MAGIC because it's exotic and Asian and stuff! And Japanese people live so long! Even though good-quality matcha would double the price of most things it's put in!
Indeed - Ben Jones.
You forgot Gopher from "The Love Boat":
"Thing single pic"
"He's plastered the wall scribbled notes"
I've read some comments defending Trump's behaviour and it's generally "what, it's a COMPLIMENT he can't even compliment someone without libtard snowflakes melting" from people who apparently have no clue what "decorum" is or why it's important, or why women maybe shouldn't be viewed as objects like that in the first…
At first I was like "nah, there's no way they'd leave that info susceptible to an SQL injection attack" and then I googled "how many us govt systems run windows xp" and now I'm pretty sure you could get in there via the SSL nmap exploit that Trinity used from "The Matrix: Reloaded".
The hospital near my apartment building is rife with croc-wearing nurses. Like, dead of winter, -35, snow drifts, they're running between the hospital and Tim Hortons in crocs.
for (int violence = 1; violence >0; violence++) {
Or if you like your Violence with support for classes and objects.
Share and enjoy!
"Have you SEEN the other guy?"
So this is all the pear dream again?
Whistling tunes we're kissing baboons in the jungle…
Could you look more like one of the cinematic Chris-es when you regurgitate it? That would really help.
Over the hills and EV'RYWHEEEEEEERE
Heck, I'm Japanese, and I didn't get what was offensive about "oriental" until I was in my 20s (and read some Said). I think the point is that you recognize why it's offensive and catch yourself. (Personally, I look at the source and the intent as well.)