
Was I in it?

My only experience with found porn was during a spell when we had a problem with homeless people camping out in my apartment building - specifically in the laundry rooms. One day I was loading laundry and shuffled a little to the right, and my foot hit something that turned out to be a copy of Hustler. And it was

The fabled porn in the woods/forest porn?

That sweet, sweet Laurel Canyon Trump.

I read that like "People's Sexist Husband - ALIVE!" Like there was an assumption that the Husband of the People was dead.

Bartender's fault for not wearing a trigger warning, obviously.

Also: cats aren't dogs.

I once heard a Martin Simpson song in DVGDCCU tuning… my life was never the same.

My go-to for Caucasians is "honky". Works as both adjective and noun - like, I call food court Chinese food "honky Chinese food".


"Of those 300,000,000, about 90%, or 270,000,000, consider themselves fans of one team in particular. To find out how these 270,000,000 fans apportion themselves among the 32 teams, I used this page (http://www.trackalytics.com…, which lists how many likes each team has on Facebook (it lists the St. Louis Rams and the

I get irrationally upset when adults use the word "tummy" and other infantilizations and there are no young children in sight. You are an adult, you know words, you can goddamn use them.

"Push" was ubiquitous for a time during the 90s.

Germans and "squirrel" are the best, because that inevitably leads to English-speakers trying to wrap their tongues around "Eichhörnchen".

You know what you could use there? A good balm.

Tom Berenger takes on Ben Affleck as the Accountant's nemesis, The Auditor?

I just finished Seth Stephens-Davidowitz's "Everybody Lies" (spoiler alert: fascinating and worth reading) and now I intend to check out Why Oh Why. Which is probably backwards to how the current promotional model is supposed to work but there you go.

Thank you and please keep fighting the good fight in your classroom.

That is a really amusingly confusing comment if you don't notice who you're replying to.