You're boring, inconsequential, and absolutely moribund.
You're boring, inconsequential, and absolutely moribund.
As a longtime resident of New fucking York City, allow me to explain.
What does this have to do with me?
So what song should we lipsync to to encourage men to vote?
Pundits and other idiots discussing politics in general (and keep in mind most people become idiots when discussing politics) tend to be dismissive of demographics who tend not to vote the way they want. "Liberals" and "conservatives" are guilty of it in equal measure, and It has no significance whatsoever.
Well there are several organizations that claim to speak for all women…
Germans are plenty jolly, with the leiderhosen and the giant tankards of lager and the polka music.
And yet, they ended up making more money because of it, per the article.
Yes, the reason people don't think you're funny is because you're too smart.
Sword fights aren't realistic in video games for the same reason they aren't realistic in movies. Fencing of all kinds is about precision and economy of movement, and it's boring and confusing to watch if you don't know what you're looking at, not to mention being over too quickly. So yes, rolling on the floor and…
So what would be in it, then? Just a lot of lot of op-eds about how, when you think about it, testicles are really weird?
Yes, as irrational as it seems, perhaps this beautiful 25 year old is… a perfect match?
I call bullshit. The air pressure in the cabin at cruising altitude is equivalent to being about 7000-8000 feet above sea level. For comparison, Aspen, Colorado is at 7900 feet. Can people in Aspen not taste salt or sugar?
Blacktain Blameriblack
The one about Kevin Spacey eating ribs? You guys need to relax.
Ok, fair enough. I ask because I used to fence, and female fencers do indeed wear (plastic, typically) "boob armor" like that. The difference being, I guess, that there is no chance of crushing it inwards by jabbing it with a blunted foil/epee/saber. Maybe magic armor or whatever would similarly change the rules?…
Who proved that?
Three year olds can tell you what the problem is instead of just screaming endlessly while you try to guess. Three year olds can comprehend sentences such as "Yes, I know you are hungry, but you have to wait until we get home." Three year olds can use a toilet instead of requiring you to clean their shit many times a…
Uh, I don't think even the Decemberists themselves would deny they are hipster as fuck.