You watched the OC, therefore your opinion is invalid.
You watched the OC, therefore your opinion is invalid.
The Hangover was a fun novelty for seeing Zach Gasdsfsgfdgdfg being basically his standup stage persona in a big budget movie. However, the smug douchiness of Bradley Cooper's character and the sheer, squirmingly awful unfunniness of Ken Jeong canceled that out. Overall I have no strong feelings about it, beyond…
Shore Patrol, are those statements related in some way? Or are you just bragging about shooting a deer, and also about the fact that Natalie Portman alleges you raped somebody?
How is Ken Jeong not the weak link? Is that just so obvious that by "weak link" you mean "weak link, aside from Ken Jeong, obviously?"
Hey, if she wanted her work to be evaluated in a context other than fodder for elaborate masturbation fantasies, she wouldn't have been an attractive woman.
Hey, above I was promised that this thread had a psychological evaluation of her relationship with Jeff. What gives?
True. And I've yet to see a post-apocolyptic world where everyone is realistically hairy.
I could be wrong, but aren't silencers pretty much illegal and therefore wouldn't be for sale in gun stores? They also don't work anywhere near as well as they're usually depicted. A "silenced" gun is still pretty damn loud.
Max is right. Killing a few zombies that are no immediate danger to you is definitely not worth the risk of your escape vehicle getting damaged or stuck. In fact, putting yourself in extra danger just to kill some zombies, of whom there are presumably hundreds of millions and for all the characters know might die on…
It's an "out" not to include a real person on a list of fictional authors? Is that also how they got out of including Herman Melville?
Hold me closer,
Tony Danza.
I'm pretty sure I could act well enough in beef's movies so they would at least make half as much money as they did, and I would definitely accept less than half the paycheck.
True. To be accurate, they should be ranked according to the formula (A-B)/(C-D), where: