If my twitter feed is any indication he is loved by white people who call themselves leftists
If my twitter feed is any indication he is loved by white people who call themselves leftists
I liked the finale but found it to be a bit disappointing when compared to The Comet. I'm definitely psyched to see what direction they go in the next season though.
Happy birthday Birdie! As revenge for forgetting your birthday, you should use Bongoes' Master Ball on a Magikarp.
Scott Kaufman, writer of AV Club's Internet Film School series, has passed away.
My Sun should arrive tomorrow
I hope we get at least one cameo from TODD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm officially rooting for Liverpool to win the league.
Welcome back! Glad you liked the final season so much.
Happy birthday Janine!
That's a good set of evidence. I hope you're right
Sepinwall seemed pretty convinced of the theory after tonight's episode. What made you change your mind back to skepticism?
He might not have but Mike Schur should have.
Also it was kind of weird how kids didn't seem to exist in the Black Mirror episode. Is there a certain age when people start rating each other? Do babies have scores?
The first episode of the new season of Black Mirror, Nosedive, made me appreciate even more how good App Development and Condiments (AKA the Meow Meow Beenz episode) is. Many people complained about how Community sped through developments in that episode, but that's much preferable to how Mike Schur and Rashida Jones…