
On my twitter feed at least it is definitely the image from 30 Rock I've seen the most this year

Too bad the actor can't really sell pure evil…

The first four songs of Let England Shake

I looked at his wikipedia page. I have no memory of him being in the fifth season finale of Community.

"Don't accidentally Close a High Performing Branch." Thank you Deluxe Corporation for this advice, I'm sure I'll need it some day.

American Movie

I have watched a lot more of that than B: TAS but I don't remember much of it.

It honestly sounds like Sleepy Hollow may have just fucked up the most. By the way, I liked this week's Arrow

Congratulations to Roobles for winning the 2016 CZ Bracket Challenge!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Last Man on Earth have been renewed!

I had no idea this was even close to coming out

Yeah. Otherwise I've had a good first round so far (ranked 15,143 on ESPN overall and currently the top of the 2016 CZ Bracket Challenge) but now I have to root for Mid Tennessee State to win as many games as possible

This Michigan State/Mid Tennessee game has me nervous since I have Michigan State going to the championship game

Don't we need the password?

I refreshed after I posted it and there was nothing there, so I'm calling magic