
Grade thread
Post your grade for this episode here and I'll periodically update the community grade!

You were closer to Dowd than SBT

Dowd is the first person I've seen who doesn't like it

I think the woman in the previous episode might be a better fit for Winston but Winston/Cece would probably be funnier than Coach/Cece or Scmidt/Cece

Winston didn't have a lot to do in this episode but he was still the MVP. B-

Myles McNutt reviews Awkward. on the AV Club so a character on the show is named Myles McAlmond

B. Hopefully we'll get some other legitimate grades

Grade thread

Congrats to Bongoes on his nomination!

digi -> B+

Grade thread
Post your grade for this episode here and I'll periodically update the communit grade!

Digi is also interested in this "year end list committee"

digi -> B/B-

digi -> B

Fantasy Football Update
Stephen, Randy, Affro, and Pulp are guaranteed spots in the playoffs. The winner of the Janine vs Doc game is guaranteed a spot in the playoffs. If Digifreak beats Stephen he is guaranteed a spot in the playoffs. If Digi loses, the last spot goes to either Digi, the loser of the Janine vs Doc

Probably not other than the C- PDN gave the show