Fuzzy One

Man, I love that random ass Hello Dolly bit from Freakazoid. Glad to hear he likes it, too!

I agree. I think the fight looks beautiful in B&W.

I've seen both versions since I got to see The Whole Bloody Affair at Tarantino's theater out here in LA. It's weird, but I actually prefer the B&W version. It just looks fucking cool.

I feel like Blackhawk Down should get an honorable mention. That was the most intense thing I had seen in a theater up until then.

Seagal's fight against Everett McGill is the most one-sided final fight in cinema history.

The final fight with Everett McGill is the most one sided fight scene in action history. Seagal just beats on him for like 5 minutes.

94 is the gold standard for me.

It ruined him, but Cotton Club is ridiculously entertaining. James Remar, Bob Hoskins and Fred Gwynne are just perfect.

Definitely the right choice for this year. It's not as good as the Fugitive, but I'll give Cliffhanger some love. For all the shit Renny Harlin gets, that movie is ridiculously entertaining. The cinematography is legitimately great. Also, I don't know what the hell accent John Lithgow is going for but I love it.


One of my best and most vivid gaming memories revolves around the first Diablo. It was spring of 97 and I was over at my grandmother's house. My cousin was living with her at the time and had his computer set up in her basement. He was heading out but suggested I try out this game he had gotten, Diablo. Playing

This is pretty much exactly how I felt about it.

This is pretty much exactly how I felt about it.

I really liked Extract. It's not Mike Judge's strongest movie, but Idiocracy and Office Space would be tough to beat. Affleck is great in it.

It's hard to top his Shakespeare.

My dad gave nine year-old me a double feature the day it came out. We rented the first one from Blockbuster and then went and saw T2 in the theater. It's one of my absolute favorite memories from childhood.

I was pretty disappointed at the climax of OotP. The first four movies (even Chamber imho) have some clever, innovative climaxes. OotP was too much of people just standing around pew pewing with their wands. I'd rather see something like the tests of the Tri-Wizard tournament or the reversing time aspect in Azkaban

I like your picks. Mine would probably be something like the Mega Faces vs Mega Heels:

"Siegfried's Funeral March" and "The Ecstasy of Gold" are probably my top two. I feel like those two can make any situation feel epic.

I think Burton's last great film was Sleepy Hollow. Since then his movies just seem off to me, like too commercial and not weird enough or something.