No, it was Gabriel Byrne.
No, it was Gabriel Byrne.
Featuring Jessica Walters as Jennifer Walters.
"Milhouse = Bart's Friend"
Sugartit and Sugartit: They're Cops!
I've always thought a better approach would be "Training Day" in space. Sinestro training a human GL - enough Hal Jordan, get Stewart or Rayner (Joseph Gordon Levitt) up there this time - while simultaneously incorporating him unwittingly into a coup against the Guardians would make a pretty damn cool movie.
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! Why didn't you believe me?!
Freshness Burger, in Japan, at one point offered a Spam Sandwich including the eponymous meat, a fried egg, and shredded cabbage. It was tasty enough, but their advertising campaign struck me as a little weird: the sandwich was portrayed with a prominent onomatopoetic "BOING" emanating from it, as if its rubberiness…
I'm getting a "clone-staffed restaurant from Cloud Atlas" vibe from this place.
What was the gay bully character's name? Because if it wasn't "Milo," it should have been.
Wrong? No (or at least "Not in this case").
Overrulled? Sadly, yes.
What I'm hearing is "If we'd only turned Jonesy loose on LV-426 before investigating the Space Jockey's wreck, we could have avoided all the chest-bursting mishegos."
Karkus or GTFO.
Apples and oranges on that last one. Earth's moon is something on the order of 100,000 times more massive than Phobos and Deimos, if memory serves. It might still be pretty bad, but probably not Seveneves bad.
Forget Friends - whoever set up that "Automatic Face Detection" process is clearly a Person of Interest fan.
John Carpenter's The Thing.
"Simone Cook's performance"? It's Simone Messick, isn't it?
"He cracks a lot of jokes - but he never smiles."
When it swims through the sea, and looks vaguely snake-y - that's a moray.