"Maybe it just collapsed on its own."
"We can't take that chance."
"You always say that. I want to take a chance!"
"Maybe it just collapsed on its own."
"We can't take that chance."
"You always say that. I want to take a chance!"
They're in the head.
Shaka built it. But it fell.
Yeah, but points deducted for not using Cybermats (or even better, Zarbi).
If ever there was a Doctor Who story into which Krieger would fit, this is it.
The AV Club:
It's about his penis
Let there be no doubt about it.
Won't Lauren Tom run out of toilet paper?
After the final line, "Daredevil must die!", did anyone else mentally add Bender B. Rodriguez sobbing "And this time, I mean it!" then checking the appropriate box on his note to his co-workers?
Anecdote accepted. Snappy comeback not found.
She can bring home the bacon and fry it in a pan.
Whither Kickpuncher?
I may be wrong, but it almost seemed like the Force theme was being mixed in with the Imperial March there, at the end.
Needs moar Wayne Pygram!
I should point out that Compassion *does* make an appearance in "The Book of the War".
What, no "Party at Ground Zero"?
Gordon wasn't in prison for killing Galavan, which he did do. He was in prison for killing the cop with the crowbar - forgot his name - which he *didn't* do. You might argue that he deserved it karmically, but from a legal standpoint, he *was* convicted of a crime he didn't commit.
What the smurf is this smurf?