
The episode was fantastic as always and anticipate what next week will bring. I think we are about to start to see the bodies pile high just like how Lou mentions in Season 1. Also does anyone know where to get good merchandise for the show?

The episode was fantastic as always and anticipate what next week will bring. I think we are about to start to see the bodies pile high just like how Lou mentions in Season 1. Also does anyone know where to get good merchandise for the show?

This movie is what made me realize that indie films can be so much more. Was just home alone browsing channels and saw that this movie was on and was like, "Why not?", Really enjoyed it. Want to buy the DVD. Feels so real and like the characters could actually exist. Such a gem if you haven't seen it.

Sounds really weird but really hope somehow that chicken practical effect alien from the Force for Change videos appears as a character eventually. Would be a cool nod.