
Tyrone Biggums appearance made this episode an A for me.

When the Snapchat story too lit!!

Appreciate the responses, guess it's in the rags.

Would someone be so kind to explain what the hell Rory(Ragman) is?? Is he a meta, human..?

I got out around the time of Hershel's death, but would pop back in every so often to see what wild and crazy troubles my old friends have gotten into.


Make it happen Disney!

Okay, so now I will not say "why are they making a young Han Solo movie" in a disgusting tone anymore.

When dude drove off in the invisible car, and hit about 3-4 people in the process, had me on the fucking floor.

Thrawn's voice is like soft caramel wrapped in deadly precision.

Deadpan Oliver is the absolute best.

Nope. This episode was a masterpiece.

So no more baby Sara and Draco Malfoy is a fucking muggle. Damn you Barry Allen.

Please Flash writers, NO. MORE. TIME. TRAVEL.
I beg you.

Crazy to think at one point NBC had "The Office", "30 Rock", "Parks and Rec" and "Community" all airing on the same night.

Can't tell if that's an actual quote from Trump or not. Sounds pretty accurate.

-Pearl trying to open that apple juice made my day.
-Pearl explaining why she doesn't have a license made my day.
-Pearl running game on mystery girl made my day.

This was just an incredibly beautiful episode.

I know this was supposed to be an Amethyst episode, but Pearl stole the show with her "You've ruined the Ruins!" line.

Stevonnie on Lion wielding a sword and shield.