
Guys, I just want Lapis to win and be happy forever!

Pearl: "Who's your favorite gem?"

Came for the comments, and you guys did not disappoint.

I spy with my little eye a Littlefinger.

In terms of comedy, which has been more entertaining: The Sarah Palin crazy train in 08 or Trump's "My Little Pony" bus ride to hell??

But Tyrion > Cersei

-Jon dies, revived, now King of the North
-R + L = J finally confirmed.
-Cersei queen(I give her a lot of shit, but I can't deny how she is able to maneuver in silence)
-Arya gets revenge
-Littlefinger still a creep
-Dany(Tyrion) vs Cersei next season??

Ramsay's demise was so fittingly perfect and satisfying, almost poetic. Poetic justice.

Alex, Lolly and Frida planted such a lovely garden. Hope we get more of the Alex/Lolly paring this season.

No, more like a clap in unison.

"A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I'm going home."

"You've lost Cersei. That's the only joy I can find in all this misery." - Lady Olenna ending another epic read of Cersei Lannister.

So Star(ling) City has four attacks in the past four years. If I were a resident this is how I would handle it:
-1st Attack: Oh it's just a random happening, probably won't happen again
-2nd Attack: Ok, I'm probably moving.
-3rd Attack: Yeah, I'm getting the hell out of here.
-4rd Attack: If your still a resident, it's

Well at least Oliver finally got a paying job now. There's your improvement right there.

3. That's my biggest concern as well. Since their talking about this whole 4-show crossover next season, how is that exactly supposed to work out now? Aren't they all on the same timeline, could this have an effect on Arrow? Is that how they are going to bring Laurel back?? Questions, questions and more questions.

Barry's actions at the end pretty much summed up this entire season.


Wait a second, did Jorah do the impossible and get out the friend zone?? Or did I read that situation wrong??

More like Lexa for Clarke is the one that was shot away.

*Cheers to NO MORE HAWK PEOPLE!!!*