
Yeah I don't see a romantic connection between Clarke/Bellamy at all, and personally I really don't think the writers are going to go that route.

-Raven is the best. Point. Blank. Period.
-I knew I missed Lexa, but seeing her on screen again I was like "DAMN, I really missed Lexa."
-Pike dying at the hands of Octavia was the only was this season had to end.
-Yet again, the ladies on this show get shit done.

So, why Machin keep calling Thea "mommy", is that some inside joke I missed in a previous episode or??

Buzzkill Jay is a bitch. That's all.

-"My dear, you have been stripped of your dignity and authority, publicly shamed and confined to the red keep. What's left to work with?" -Lady Olenna flamin Cersei's ass yet again.

Personally I wouldn't believe shit Bellamy told me, but in that situation if Clarke had to put her trust in either Bellamy or Roan, I guess she choose the guy she's known longest, even tho she's only known him for like 6 months??

Your right, since this was filmed in advance anything is on the table. I'm pretty sure they knew they would get some backlash from Lexa's death, but they were not expecting that avalanche that hit them. Next season for sure they'll take that into consideration.

I'm assuming the reason Clarke said she trusted Bellamy is because she was referring to season 2 Bellamy, the one who was with her at Mount Weather. She hasn't been around Bellamy when he was being Pike's asshole lapdog.

Yeah, I'm 95% sure Brian dies next week. The other 5% is me being hopeful that at least one couple can be kinda happy in this fucked world they live in.

"Kill" off the best character, but hey Carter's back. Soooo, yeah. Good times.

*team gives her powers up*

I was thinking the same. They should probably extent to the 10 o'clock hour. Their schedule is getting pretty crowded.

I wonder were they'll put it since CW did renew every last one of their shows. Maybe cutting the episode order of some of the other Arrowverse shows from 23 to 16? Idk. But Supergirl should of been on CW in the first place.

Well in her defense, she's very confident he won't put her in the friend zone.

Yes, FTWD had one of better written characters on all of T.V killed and turned her into your typical dumb teenager.

"Margarey is the queen. You are not the queen, because you not married to the king. I do appreciate these things can get a bit confusing in your family."

Yeah, why not bring back Carter because two annoying hawk people are better than one annoying hawk person. And now with their annoyance combined, my head is surly to explode.

-More Luna please(make her a regular before she signs with a different show)
-After Luna basically told Clarke to fuck off, and Ontari is a nut case, are there anymore nightbloods or were they the last two?
-About Luna leaving the conclave: if she never wanted to be commander in the first place, why fight and kill her

Episode III…

Still believe this movie is unnecessary, but whatever, if Han Solo is in the title I'll more than likely be there opening night.